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Nº de páginas
17 x 23.5 cm
A color
Depósito legal
J 312-2022
 24,00 €

Reseña de la obra

“The majority of the people already have thought a lot of times what they could do differently or better, but really do the things differently or better often turns out to be very difficult.” Have a look behind the scenes of the therapy that really helps by challen ging the client. The provocative therapy is a good mix between warm contact, humor and challenge. The client goes to the heart of the problems and Will get the opportunity to bring out his/her qualities and skills to make a change within a couple of sessions. This book elaborates the theoretical starting points and some of the most important provocative techniques and illustrates them with elaborated cases. That way the reader not only gets a clear impression of how the provocative style works, but also receives enough guidelines to set the first provocative steps. “The therapist really puts a mirror in front of me! Because of his questions I have to look at myself very honestly. Iʼve never experienced this.”


Federico Sarink

Federico Sarink. Provocative psychologist and family therapist. He works in his private practice in Leiden, The Netherlands. Besides that, he lectures, and gives workshops and courses. He is investigating the role of humor in psychotherapy at the University of Almería in Spain and teaches at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. Together with colleagues in The Netherlands, Spain and Latin America he works to spread the knowledge about the provocative therapy. Itʼs not only his passion to help clients in a fun and effective way, but also to promote the scientific investigation and to train future psychologists and family therapist.

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